Electric Heat Gives Distributor Trucks the Power to Improve Operations
Distributor trucks may easily be viewed as unglamorous workhorses of paving fleets. Their typical functions are to provide heated asphalt or emulsion spray as tack coating in front of a hot mix paver or to spread heated binder for chip seal projects. In simplest terms, a distributor truck comprises a cab, a tank, a form of heat and a spray system for applying the binder.
Accurate heat is one real key to the binder's success, whether the material is emulsion or asphalt. Traditionally, heat is provided to the distributor material via burners that operate on #2 fuel oil, diesel or LP gas. The operator lights the burner or burners, and heat begins to circulate through flues in the bottom of the tank to bring the binder up to the right temperature. Although the process is relatively simple, there are some inherent issues with this form of distributor truck heat that include safety concerns, reduced productivity, compromised asphalt or emulsion quality and higher operating costs.
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